Toys In School
Toy making activities for schools aimed at children of all ages from 4 upwards.
All our toys are based on examples from the last 3,500 years.
Cross-curricular program
Toy history, Science, DT, Maths

How It Works
Each pupil makes their own toy, Start - Finish.
Create characters around the toys.
Develop stories, story telling and writing
We send the toys to you
So..... you decide when to work on the project. Today, tomorrow, an hour each afternoon ...
We give you a powerpoint presentation with
history and information about the toys
a presentation about the toys and forces
all the information to assemble the toy
Plus access to all this information on-line so that parents can be involved as well. We will make a magical appearance on a screen of your choice. Until such time as we can physically come in to school we will be available via a live web connection so that your children can meet with the toymakers and ask questions or get advice on assembling. And… avoid all the stresses of planning a trip whilst still delivering a fabulous topic.
What Our Customers Say
The children felt a real sense of ownership and achievement over their work due to building the toy to completion and using functioning tools. The children gained a great deal of enjoyment and satisfaction from the workshop...
Katy Heath & Gareth Williams, Banks Lane Infants. Year 1 teacher
If you haven't had these guys into your school it can only be that you haven't heard of them yet. If they've been just once you won't need my recommendation. History/science/DT/fun - all included. In the words of Year 3 - awesome...
Jane Fletcher, Havelock Junior School, Desborough. Year 3